четверг, 18 марта 2010 г.

"Art of Pasta" with Nicola Canuti, MOSCOW

Rumors spreadiung around the town that Nicola Canuti, is starting Master Classes in Moscow this April.
Nicola Canutti - charismatic, innovative chef, follower of Legendary French chef Alain Ducasse - the only man on the planet who holds so many Michelin stars invites you with Promo Group MODERN GOURMET to trully Italian Event - "ART OF PASTA with NICOLA CANUTI
L'Albero - Делегатская ул. 7
Moscow, Russia, 127473Телефон:8 (495) 650-16-74
for updates, follow us on facebook http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=353223319777&ref=ts

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